Investing for positive impact in emerging markets

Pomegranate Investment AB (publ) is a venture capital investment company (VC) based in Sweden, which was founded in 2014 by a pioneering team with a long and successful track record of investing in high growth companies in emerging markets, particularly in the online sector such as e-commerce and online classifieds.

Portfolio companies


One of the largest and leading e-commerce companies in the Middle East which is active within Retail, Marketplace, Fashion, Digital content and Online Supermarket.

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Café Bazaar Group

One of the largest consumer internet companies that runs the largest Android app store in the Middle East; Bazaar, serving over 50M Persian speaking people worldwide.

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Offers a general classifieds platform, with a focus on certain key classifieds verticals for about 8-10mn regular users.

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Griffon Capital

A domestic market-focused financial group providing Asset Management (Capital Markets & Private Equity) as well as Investment Banking Advisory.

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A one-stop platform which provides goods and services frequently used in daily life.

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Alibaba Travel Group

One of the leading online travel groups in the Middle East holding significant market share and top Alexa ranking among online travel agencies.

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